New Biology teacher Heather Giblin studied at Boston College and was a student teacher at a Catholic school in Boston. This past summer she tutored students for the SATs and Biology.
Were there any notable differences between student teaching and now teaching at Brookline?
There are a lot actually. It was a really small private Catholic school where they had to wear uniforms. And here, it’s like twenty times the size so there’s a lot of differences.
What got you into teaching biology?
Definitely my love for biology. In college, I also tutored. I was a TA for a class at BC on yeast-genetics, and I really loved explaining concepts to other students. I also was in a science mentoring program for girls, so girls came to BC on the weekends and we did science experiments. Getting them excited about science was really fun. That’s what made me interested in going to teaching.
What have you noticed so far that is different between BHS and your high school?
I graduated from high school in 2009, so I guess the technology. If we were seen with our cell phone, even in the hallways, it would be taken away. And we definitely didn’t have open campus or anything like that. So there was definitely not as much technology permeating the school as now. You guys have Macbook airs. It’s pretty awesome.
How did you spend your time this summer?
I spent my time tutoring in SATs and biology, and then getting ready to teach here!
Erez Ben-Akiva can be contacted at [email protected]