by Jeremy Margolis

Following six snow days in the last three weeks, Superintendent Bill Lupini said that he has yet to determine the best course of action for making up the lost time.
Barring future cancellations, school is set to end Friday, June 26. Lupini, speaking at a School Committee meeting Thursday, said he is fairly comfortable with that date. The problem, he said, would be if there are additional snow days in the coming weeks.
Lupini said he would be concerned about having school on June 29 and 30. He outlined three alternatives: school on a Saturday, school on Good Friday, or school on one or more days during April Break.
Lupini said he would prefer to make up the lost time by lengthening certain days but that he is not allowed to do so. The State Board of Education states that Massachusetts public schools must be in session on 180 separate dates.
Two years ago, the John D. Runkle School was in session on a Saturday and on Good Friday to make up lost time following a mid-year move from the Old Lincoln School. Lupini said attendance on those days was good and he is considering that data.
Lupini said he is hoping to have a recommendation by the end of February break that he will present to the School Committee at a future meeting.
He said the job is difficult because he doesn’t know how many more snow days there will be.
“I don’t know what I’m dealing with right now,” he said. “I just have to develop different strategies.”
Lupini said that the high school’s graduation is already set for June 7 and will not change.
Jeremy Margolis can be contacted at