BHS Alumnus shot and killed in Roslindale

Rahim in the 2007 Murivian Yearbook. PHOTO BY SOFIA TONG


On Tuesday June 2, Usaamah Rahim ’07 was shot and killed by an anti-terrorism task force in Roslindale. He allegedly had planned several attacks on police officers and was shot after he approached a police officer with a knife. See below to learn more about this story.


Superintendant Bill Lupini’s official statement:

On Wednesday we learned that Usaamah Rahim, a 2007 graduate of Brookline High School, was the young man who had allegedly planned an attack on police officers and was killed by an anti-terrorism task force in Boston on Tuesday. He had enrolled in Brookline in 2004 for 10th grade after spending his 9th grade year at the Academic International School in Saudi Arabia. He had attended Baker School for some period of time (we believe two years) prior to that. His Guidance Counselor and Dean remember him as a bright young man who benefited from the attention of his teachers and tutors in reaching graduation. In addition, he had no major disciplinary infractions while at BHS. After graduation he went to college in Florida and, several years later, sent an email to his former Dean and Guidance Counselor thanking them for the help that they provided in getting him through high school. Mr. Rahim also had a brother (Mohammed) who graduated from Brookline High School in 2004.


Other resources:

Izzy Meyers, Rosa Stern Pait and Sofia Tong can be contacted at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].