Welcoming the Class of 2019

“I like the school. I’ve never been to the states. I’m from Brazil, where little things are different. Like, in Brazil the teachers move instead of the students.”

I’m kind of nervous because the classes are already a lot harder.”

“Which class are you the most worried about?”

“Spanish. I wasn’t supposed to be in advanced Spanish.”“I’m most excited for the freshmen play. I’m very into acting and want to be a movie star when I grow up.”

“I’m excited for my ceramics class second semester.” 

“After we got introduced, everyone was so nice. I immediately felt like it was much easier. It’s been really great so far, just meeting all of the new people and new teachers. It’s a big change going from middle school to high school, but it’s been really fun.”

“It’s a little stressful, because I don’t know where any of my classes are and I don’t have any friends in any of my classes. I’m worried about being late to classes and skipping them accidentally because I don’t know where they are.”

“I’ve been the last one to every class, but other than that it’s been really fun.

“I’ve met a bunch of new friends already that I can tell are going to be good friends. I’m excited to get the hang of it and be a high school student.”

“It’s been really different. There are a lot more people. I’m the only person from my school in my advisory. Everyone is new to me.”  

“It’s been really fun, but it’s also been really, really hot.

“I’m excited for starting a new chapter and embracing it. For high school life, I guess. Everyone loves high school, so I’m excited.” Headshots and reporting by Noa Dalzell. Slideshow photos by Sam Klein and Maya Morris.