Freshman Blog: Ivy Tou

Ivy Tou, Contributing Writer

]Ivy TouBefore the first day of high school started, I ruminated on worried thoughts: What if I get lost? What if I forget my schedule? What if… Despite my initial nerves, I immediately felt at home as I stepped onto the high school field among the bustling crowds of students and the ever-so-helpful junior mentors.

Everyone was welcoming. After proceeding into the quad in our navy blue Warrior tees (greeted by smiling teachers and vibrant music), the freshman class of 2019 was officially addressed with a speech from the faculty. Even though I had only spent a few hours on campus, it already felt like Brookline High School was a home away from home. Following the speech, we filed up the stairs to our homerooms. I was nervous that my homeroom teacher would be intimidating. On the contrary, he was very amicable. His humorous personality helped ease the worry among the students right away.

After a few icebreakers to get to know each other, we broke off into groups for a school tour. It was scary for me to transition from the easy-to-navigate hallways of my middle school to a large building that was totally new to me. We walked through a maze of hallways and rooms accommodated to fit almost 2,000 students. When the time came to get to our classes, I felt like a tourist in a foreign country. Navigating around the school was probably the hardest part of my first day, but the junior mentors were always there to help.

Overall, the first day of high school was like the beginning to a new chapter of my life. High school is very different from middle school because there are so many more people, more courses and more responsibility. This year, I hope to work on getting used to the transition and managing my time with a balanced schedule. Leaving middle school is bittersweet. I will definitely miss the teachers and all of the great experiences I have left behind, but I am also open to new experiences. I’m most excited about meeting new people, joining clubs and having more freedom overall as a high school student.

As I am about to delve into high school, there will be obstacles and challenges, successes and failures. I might not be able to do everything that I want, but every time a door closes a new one opens up. I know that this is going to be an amazing four years of my life.

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