Peeps on the Street: Brookline reacts to “Black Mass” red carpet
September 16, 2015
“Some time in August, we had a visit from Warner Bros. and a security company who said that they wanted to come here to play the premiere of “Black Mass”. This is the American premier, so it’s never been shown in the United States before. It’s great for Brookline, great for the theater, and people are great. I probably won’t go to meet the celebrities but I hope that as they get dropped off from the limousines they’ll go across the street and shake hands with people in the crowd. I usually get up front to see them, but I’m standing back because it’s not my role.”
Brookline Chief of Police Daniel O’Leary ‘72
“My mom made me come. I just came from swim practice, so I’m kind of hungry, but this is cool. I was surprised that they chose the Coolidge Corner Theater because it’s not the biggest theater in Boston, but I think it’s really exciting.”
Sophomore Alison Keenan
“We were in Coolidge Corner and we saw that this was going on. It’s kind of crowded, cramped. This is one of the coolest things that’s ever happened to me.”
Sophomores Avi Benmayor and Shahar Hartman
“I’m waiting to see Johnny Depp. My mom’s been here since 2:30 and I got here after swim practice, about 6. I’m really excited. I got Dakota Johnson’s autograph. It’s really good for the community, it’ll bring a lot of publicity for the theater.”
Senior Julia Terry
See our other coverage of the event here.