Girls Varsity Soccer ties Framingham on Senior Night

Matt DeAngelo, Sports Writer

In their final game before the postseason, the girls soccer team tied the Framingham Flyers at Skyline park 0-0 in a ground-out affair.

The team was playing without its top scorer. Junior and captain Liz Dumas was sidelined due to injury, but that did not diminish the intensity with which the Warriors played.

Throughout the match, the Warriors were playing a rather physical brand of soccer. They were going through Framingham players to get to loose balls and were pushing Framingham defenders off when they needed to. Two Flyers suffered game-ending injuries as a result of the aggressive, gritty play.

“We always get pumped up before every game and the environment of senior day really adds to that,” senior Abigail Risse said.

The team nearly had a chance to win in dramatic fashion. Junior Emma Cohen made a pass across the goal into a crowd consisting of both blue and white jerseys. The ball somehow found a Warrior who made a header attempt that hit the top crossbar and bounced out. Sophomore Fiona Lobon had a chance at the rebound but was denied by the Framingham goaltender before the match ended seconds later.

After the game, the team gathered around the fence where posters in honor of each of the team’s five seniors, Clasby Chope, Abigail Risse, Jana Douglass, Simone St. Pierre and Ally Lansbury, were hung. The team then acknowledged them in person as part of senior night.

According to Risse, those five players are crucial in terms of their leadership.

“Being a senior on the field during the playoffs is going to be a really important role to fulfill,” Risse said. “It’s going to be really exciting.”

With the playoffs up next, the team has every right to feel confident in themselves, according to sophomore Isabel Lobon.

“We’re very strong and we’re very together,” Lobon said. “We have a great record and we beat some good teams so I don’t think our confidence is low at this point.”