Holman responds to Back To School Night Altercation

Haley Bayne, News Writing Editor

According to Headmaster Deborah Holman, on Back to School Night, Thursday, Oct. 15, there was an altercation on Greenough Street between a passenger in car and students of color at the high school.

Holman said that a faculty member at the high school approached her and filled her in on the situation. She said that there were derogatory comments towards the students of color, some being of a racial nature.

The driver of the car was an off-duty police officer for the Brookline Police Department.  According to Holman, there is an ongoing police investigation of the events that occurred.

Holman said that as the police investigation ensues, the administration’s main priority is providing guidance for the students involved in the situation.

“The main thing that the administration has been focused on is support for the students as we go through the process of working with the police on investigating the incident,” Holman said. “It felt disruptive for some of the students so counselors and deans have been set up with all students involved directly or indirectly with the incident.”
