PLAYER PROFILE: Tim Weighart, boys cross country
January 24, 2016

What gets you pumped before games?
Part of it is visualization, but a lot of it is also listening to music. I really rely on music for everything.
What is the greatest challenge you have ever faced?
Probably having something thrown at me and having to deal with it. Sometimes I am put in races that I am not expected to be put in, and it’s just really shocking. You just have to prioritize what you have to do and visualize yourself doing well there.
If you could be any professional athlete, who would him or her be and why?
Probably Steve Crompton. He’s pretty much considered the greatest American runner. He just has this drive that has never been seen before in anyone else. He’s always leading the race even if he does not necessarily win.
What goes through your head while you run usually?
During practices we just talk and have a good time. During races, you only think about what you have to do next. You just focus on the race and nothing else.