Matthew Webb teaches Latin.
What did you do before you came to work here? What other profession would you be interested in if you could not teach?
Prior to working here I taught in Milton, in New Hampshire and in Maryland. If I were not a teacher, I think I would do something in the culinary world: be a chef, a baker, run a coffee shop, something like that.
What are a few of your favorite activities to do outside of school?
Outside of school I hike, cross-country ski, hang out at the lake and work on our fixer-upper house.
What do you like about teaching?
I enjoy seeing the reaction of students when they grasp a difficult concept, and I enjoy when students are clearly loving the Latin language and the activities that we do in class.
Why did you choose to teach high school students?
High school students are thoughtful and inquisitive, and can explore deep, complex topics.
Why did you choose to teach Latin? What else would you be interested in teaching?
I was inspired by my Latin teachers in middle and high school. I’ve also taught English, math, life science, mythology and public speaking, but Latin is definitely my favorite!
Sarah Olaffson can be contacted at