Restaurant 108 Top Chef: Finale!

Valentina Rojas, Arts Writing Editor


Restaurant 108 held the grand finale of their top chef competition on May 2. A master menu by Chefs Liam O’Brien, Phillip Mahler, Henry Shaffer, Alex Ervin and Alex Chin blended intricate skill and natural talent.

As starters, our party of two got the Salmon Rillette Crostini and the Green Salad. The Salmon was fresh and beautifully arranged, no taste too overwhelming. The texture of the cracker balanced the plate perfectly. The portion of the salmon was perfect as well, although one or two more crackers would have been useful in comparison to the generous amount of salmon served. The spring greens and balsamic reduction added a perfect blend to the Salmon so the dish felt balanced.

The green salad, although not as intricate, was still delicious and light. The setup was colorful and bright, and the Chefs did a great job with the seasoning of the salad; it was not too dry, but it also wasn’t drenched in dressing.

For starters we ordered the lamb chops and the haddock tempura. The Lamb chops were presented beautifully as well, perfectly pink chops with bright vegetables throughout the plate. The roasted new potatoes’ skin was seasoned perfectly and added the nice crunch that is expected of a roasted potato. The roasted bell pepper salsa added a nice tang when paired the lamb, a very nicely balanced meal.

The haddock tempura was served warm, and felt soft when eating. It tasted faintly mustardy, but it was well structured, with a hard shell and a surprising array of green at the bottom, a surprise for the diner.

All the dishes created by the Chefs at this final Top Chef were truly inspiring. They require mastery of skill and culinary techniques that aren’t easily learnt. The high school consists of a wide array of impressive students, and our chefs at the Restaurant 108 are of no exception.