Q&A with Lisa Redding

Interim Dean Lisa Redding received a promotion this year, and is now serving as the dean of students.

Rachel Myers, Arts Layout Editor

Interim Dean Lisa Redding is embracing her new leadership position, and is excited to have the opportunity to impact even more students.  She was previously an associate dean for three years.


How long have you been teaching at BHS?

I came to Brookline High in 2001.

Can you describe your new position?

As a dean or associate dean, we coordinate the students’ support here at BHS. We work very closely with guidance counselors, social workers, and other programs. We are overseeing what is going on with the kids in our caseload, but also the whole school. So I’m overseeing student life. I also have input on the school overall, and how we run it.

Has the new position presented any new challenges?

It’s been busy. Obviously, having more kids I need to look out for, there’s more I need to do. When students need more support, my job is a helping job, so I want to be everywhere, and helping everybody. And there’s a lot to do, and I want to do it really well. So I’m just trying to reach the bar that I hold myself to, which has been fun and challenging.

What do you hope to achieve this year?

I care deeply about this place as a graduate of BHS. This is my school, not just my place of work. And last year, there were some incidents — racial — that really corroded our culture. One of the most amazing things about BHS is the diversity, and because we have that, that’s where conflicts arise. We need to create a culture where we can listen to each other.

Is there anything else you want to say?

I love being a dean, and I feel like I’m teaching a different subject. Often, I’m meeting with students who didn’t do what they were supposed to do, but I love those conversations, because I’m trying to teach. Not math, but how to be a respectful and responsible citizen. I love that kind of teaching, which is different than being in the classroom. I went into the job of associate dean because I felt like I wanted to help more. I wanted to be in this role so I could make a difference with the students.