New JV girls soccer coach brings extensive experience

Jillian Goldstein, Opinions Writing Editor

A team of soccer players relies on their coach to succeed. The coach must be a leader, role model and friend to form proper bonds and to develop new skills. This role cannot be filled by just anyone.

The girls junior varsity soccer team has a new coach this year, Charlton MacVeagh, who has been heavily involved in the Brookline Soccer Program for many years. MacVeagh, coordinator of the Brookline Youth Soccer program, has previously coached both the girls varsity and freshman teams.

Becca Downes, a player on the girls junior varsity soccer team, has known MacVeagh for two years and has practiced with him outside of the regular season.

According to MacVeagh, this connection with his players has been a great tool in leading the team.

“On a brand new team it takes you one or two months to develop that level of trust,” MacVeagh said. “Because the high school season is so short, sometimes the season is finished and they’re just getting to know who you are.”

According to sophomore Casey Ferrigno, another of MacVeagh’s players on the girls JV soccer team, she really appreciates the time he puts into the team.

“He takes time out of his days, like in the summer with his soccer training program. He really takes time to help people when he doesn’t even need to.” Ferrigno said.

According to Downes, MacVeagh has many plans and goals for the team this year.

“For us, it’s a mix of individual goals, and also as a team we can connect, and he really wants us to score goals this season because he believes that we are one of the stronger teams in our league, so he sees this as an opportunity for us to score a lot and not get scored on very much.” Downes said.

According to sophomore Erin O’Brien, a girls JV soccer player, MacVeagh has a unique coaching style.

“He’s different from other coaches in a really good way. It feels like everything he has us do has a purpose. It’s all very meaningful.” O’Brien said.

According to MacVeagh, this particular team has the capacity to be very competitive and successful. Along with coaching a winning team, MacVeagh teaches his players broader lessons.

“I always tell my players that they can’t not do it: ‘You can only say you can’t do it yet.’ The question isn’t if you can do it or not, it’s if you are willing to put in enough work.” MacVeagh said.