Williams’ enthusiasm and organization establishes athletic spirit within school

Assistant Athletic Director Kyle Williams organizes athletic events, transportation, community programs and social media for all of the sports teams at the high school. Ani Mathison/Sagamore Staff

Jordan Watts, Staff Writer

Countless students at the high school represent the Warriors when they participate in sports after school. But most students don’t know the people working behind the scenes, including Assistant Athletics Director Kyle Williams.

Williams works hard to keep the athletics department running smoothly and ensures that the sports teams at the high school have everything they need to succeed. His time at the high school has given him insights into the school, and ideas on how to improve it.

Williams, who is in his third year as Assistant Athletics Director, works closely with Athletics Director Pete Rittenburg to ensure the day-to-day logistics of sports at the high school.

“Mr. Rittenburg and I are communicating first thing in the morning about anything that might be happening that day, whether it’s weather related or we have to change some fields around, transportation issues are plenty,” Williams said.

Williams attends high school games five to six times a week, works hard to prepare fields, tracks down officials for games and confirms locations for buses and coaches. Williams and Rittenburg organize transportation and make sure teams go to the correct fields.

“One of the bigger struggles is trying to make sure that our teams know which fields in other communities to go to. With swimming, it’s a little bit clearer but it’s not always at a high school, in fact most of the time it’s not,” Williams said.

Williams collaborates with other members of the Athletics and Health and Fitness departments, including Health and Fitness teacher William Graham.

“I think Kyle has done a phenomenal job of getting coaches in the loop. He works extremely hard at everything that he does,” Graham said.

Williams is also in charge of the social media accounts associated with the Athletics Department.

“I try to do some sort of social media work in the morning. This morning it was a post promoting the soccer game this afternoon on Instagram,” Williams said. “Social media is an interesting part of my job because it’s not a thing you schedule so much as it’s a thing you have to be tuned into pretty constantly.”

Williams often meets with people outside of the Athletics Department to improve sports at the high school.

“I think it’s important for us to connect with the community at large and not just athletics and not just the high school,” Williams said.

In his first year at the high school, Williams worked with social studies teacher Michael Normant to help create a seasonal showcase. It was a fall assembly with the concept of showing the extracurricular activities of students, including sports.

“This was something I was particularly proud of because, to me, being in the athletic department is nothing without recognizing that it’s part of a bigger school community,” Williams said.

Williams grew up in Brookline and went to the high school, where he played several sports.

“I played soccer and baseball for all four years. I ended up being a captain of both, not necessarily for my athletic skills so much as my interpersonal skills,” Williams said.

The high school’s prosperity as a whole is important to Williams and everyday he works hard to do his part to make the Athletics Department as successful as possible.

Williams’ work has not gone unnoticed by his co-workers. Deborah Donaldson, secretary for the Athletics and Health and Fitness departments, works with Williams and also helps to organize athletics.

“He’s been a tremendous asset to this department,” Donaldson said. “He’s great all around, he’s organized, he’s involved in everything really and he advocates a lot for the Athletics Department.”

Jordan Watts can be contacted at bhs.sagamore@gmail.com