Superintendent Bott names Meyer permanent Headmaster

The Headmaster Search is over! Anthony Meyer was named permanent headmaster effective immediately on Jan. 10 at a faculty meeting.

Brookline Public Schools

The Headmaster Search is over! Anthony Meyer was named permanent headmaster effective immediately on Jan. 10 at a faculty meeting.

Louie Goldsmith and Haley Bayne

Superintendent Andrew Bott named Interim Headmaster Anthony Meyer the high school’s permanent headmaster. The announcement, which came first in a faculty meeting on Tuesday afternoon was followed by an email to the high school community at 4 p.m. The text of Bott’s email is below:

January 10, 2017

Dear Families and Staff,

I am very pleased to announce that I am appointing Anthony Meyer as the permanent Headmaster of Brookline High School.

Since Mr. Meyer became the Interim Headmaster of Brookline High School in June he has done a remarkable job of bringing together faculty, connecting with students, and engaging parents. He has rebuilt relationships and repaired trust in ways that are allowing our high school to move forward together.

I have been impressed by how well and how quickly Mr. Meyer energized the faculty and helped rekindle optimism and enthusiasm for BHS. He has dealt openly and honestly with challenges related to prejudice and hate. He has energized the high school expansion project and made tremendous strides in engaging school leaders, keeping faculty informed and working with my team to get this project on track. He clearly values the diversity of our student body and understands that we need to have a broad definition of what learning and success mean at BHS. Most importantly our students experience every day how well he connects with and respects them.

During many conversations and through a recent survey that 300 staff and parents responded to, members of our school community expressed in clear terms how they value the work that Mr. Meyer has done as interim headmaster and as dean. Staff and parents both speak of his open and honest communication and how he has quickly restored their faith in the direction and future of Brookline High School. Faculty members appreciate his collaborative style and his clear vision. Parents speak passionately of how he cares about and respects their teenage children.

Over the last two months I have seriously considered whether or not we should conduct a full search process for a new headmaster. During that time I have consulted with faculty, staff, students, parents, members of the school committee, community members, and mentors. These conversations, my work with Mr. Meyer and his leadership at BHS have strengthened my conviction that, in Anthony Meyer, we already have the strongest possible candidate for Brookline High School.

As Brookline High School Headmaster, Anthony Meyer will work with staff, students and parents to honor the strengths of our high school, embrace the challenges we face, and move us forward together toward an exciting future.

Please join me in welcoming Anthony Meyer as Brookline High School’s 17th headmaster.


Andrew Bott