The student news site of Brookline High School

Meyer’s appointment elicits ecstatic response from community

January 10, 2017

Lauren Mahoney / Sagamore staff
Headmaster Anthony Meyer addresses the faculty of the high school after being appointed by Superintendent Andrew Bott. Staff and students alike have expressed excitement for the future.

Superintendent Andrew Bott announced at a faculty meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10 that Interim Headmaster Anthony Meyer has been appointed as permanent headmaster.

According to Bott, Meyer was the clear favorite among the Brookline community and Bott used the town-wide support to explain his decision.  

“It was my decision. I took into consideration the feedback I received from families, staff, community input and an assessment of all the good things that have been happening during the first four months of the school year,” Bott said. “And it’s sometimes clear. When you put together a vision for a leader for a school and you have that person, it makes sense to go with that person.”

Headmaster Anthony Meyer said he feels incredibly honored for his appointment. According to Meyer this speaks just as much to the work the high school has accomplished this year, as it does to his character.

“Humbled, happy, excited about the work that is to come,” Meyer said. “But humbled, because I never would have predicted this, and I think that it is a testament to the work that we have done together as a whole school and a faculty.”

Associate Dean Alexia Thomas expressed excitement about Meyer’s appointment and is hopeful for the future of the high school under Meyer’s continuing leadership.

“Pure excitement and joy,” Thomas said. “My hope is that we can really start to plan the future of BHS and actually get some things done knowing that we have a true leader who is here with us now, for the future.”

Students had a similarly positive reaction regarding Meyer’s appointment. Senior Elena Usui said she is happy with the decision.

“I think that he’s been great as a dean and done a great job ever since [former Headmaster] Deb Holman left, including more student opinion and faculty opinion on how the school should be run,” Usui said. “I think he’s got great charisma, and I’m really excited for the future of BHS.”

Senior Sarah Dreyfus said that she thinks it is important for Meyer to continue his transparency, which she thinks he has done well so far.

“I think going forward, if he keeps his transparency going on that’s really good and keeps an open discussion about racism, rape culture, sexual assault and feminism it would be great,” Dreyfus said.

Interim Associate Dean Brendan Kobus said he is very excited about what Meyer’s appointment means for the rest of the faculty.

“He’ll accomplish facilitating a great culture at BHS. He’s someone who communicates really well, whether it be to faculty members, to students or to parents. I think he’s a great communicator,” Kobus said. “So I think that will be something that will continue to pay dividends for the school and continue to get better and better. We’re facing some challenges. A lot of changes are going to take place because of enrollment growth, and I think he’s the perfect guy to start that process.”

According to world language teacher Jani Rodriguez, Meyer’s affable personality will serve as a positive influence for the high school community.

He’s so present and knows people by name,” Rodriguez said. “He says hi to me all the time in the hallway. He’s really involved in the cafeteria, serving pizza. He’s just super popular, super involved, always has a smile on his face and great sense of humor.”

According to Bott, last spring Meyer agreed to not be a candidate for the permanent position.  However, Bott said that the agreement was open to amendment, and he chose to not go forward with a traditional application process because of Meyer’s strong leadership this year.

“I think it was the right decision last spring, the right decision to have an interim headmaster who wouldn’t be a candidate,” Bott said. “But, when that interim headmaster is tackling big issues and is working very successfully to improve the climate and spirit of the school, it’s appropriate to reconsider those decisions, which we did.”

Meyer wants to keep a positive mentality in the future.

“I think that in a way I have always thought that every interaction matters: with a student or with the faculty,” Meyer said. “But, in this new role I think that it’s super super clear that any interaction I have needs to be positive, even the hardest disciplinary conversation, decision or tough moment with a teacher.”


Additional reporting by Lauren Mahoney, Jake Brodsky and Rachel Vin.

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