Player profile: Casey Ferrigno

At seven years old, current sophomore Casey Ferrigno decided to start playing hockey. She now plays left wing on the girls varsity hockey team.

What do you most like about hockey?

I feel like it’s different from a lot of other sports. There’s skating instead of running, and it’s a different feeling. It’s just really fun.

What do you find most challenging about playing on a team?

The most challenging part, I think, is playing well as a team, which basically means passing and moving forward to score goals and win the game.

What do you think you all excel at as a team?

We all get along really well, which helps the energy of our team and that helps us win the game. We succeed because we are so positive, and we try really hard to be good as a team.

What is something you’re looking forward to this season?

I am looking forward to winning a lot of games and also making new friends, meeting the new freshmen and just bonding as a team.

In what ways do you contribute to the team as a whole?

I think I’m a positive member. I try to be a good influence on the freshmen and to help the team move forward and work harder, and work my hardest.

How do you mentally prepare yourself for a game?

As a team, we do a warm-up before and our coach actually takes our phones away every game and practice, so we’re bonding as a team, and we’re talking about how we want to win this game. We also listen to music in the locker rooms, so that really pumps us up and gets us in the mood for the game.

What is a goal you have this season?

I have a lot of goals for the season, but I want to be the best team we can. I want to not only win the most games, but also just bond and just be friends with everyone and have a really good season together.