The video above is a demonstration of the correct rowing form that all rowers work so hard to perfect. An erg is an indoor rowing machine that allows rowers to practice their form and get a good workout without actually being on the water. Above, an athlete uses one of the machines, going through the sections of the stroke: the catch(start), the drive(the push back with the legs), the finish(the lean of the back and curl of the arms) and the recovery(sliding back up to the catch).
The students defeated the teachers 44-38 on Wednesday, Dec. 12, in the Schluntz Gymnasium, in the 2nd annual student vs. faculty basketball game.
Comments (2)
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Ben Kimia • Nov 19, 2017 at 2:32 pm
Well done Joshua! You really are your father’s son.
Erik Apelstein • Feb 1, 2017 at 11:35 am