Album Review: Sorry is Gone by Jessica Lea Mayfield

Album Cover

Album Cover

Nick Eddinger, Arts Writing Editor

Jessica Lea Mayfield’s fourth studio album, “Sorry is Gone,” is, at times, a charming and emotional piece of artistry. However, at other times, it is a monotonous sloth of guitar and percussion. Mayfield’s guitar riffs are the source of her sound. The use of sorrowful, distorted acoustic strums coupled with a driving drum beat constructs the basis for much of the album’s sound. Mayfield’s harrowing words of lost love and grief dance on top of each track. Her higher voice provides a slight relief to the often heavy and overpowering guitar chords. This all culminates in some solid listening experiences.

The album starts off strong with “Wish You Could See Me Now,” a wild intro piece filled with no regret as the guitar lets loose, high and melodic notes filling out the back end of the track. Mayfield hits her stride in the title song “Sorry is Gone.” The lighter guitar and more pronounced vocals strike the greatest balance on the album and is a pleasant listen. But it’s not perfect.

Mayfield’s steely voice is sadly drowned out by the endless and overpowering wall of sound for much of the album. The songs “Maybe Whatever” and ‘Soaked Through’ display the largest issues with the album. Mayfield’s guitar is easily a large asset in her music and can be great, but in many of the tracks, it is severely overused. This result is a cacophony of indiscernible sound that drowns out everything else. This may be fine on one or two songs, but six or seven songs is far too many as it becomes extremely monotonous and boring.

However, there are positives. Mayfield seems to flourish when finding a better balance between instruments. The track “Safe 2 Connect 2” provides a much needed relief from the noise, opting to utilize a pure guitar sound and more pronounced vocals, like the title track. “Offa My Hands” is another highlight, maintaining a brighter and more positive tone that breathes life back into the listener as the album rounds out. Many will find that there is at least one thing to enjoy in this album.

Mayfield’s style is definitely unique. At its best, “Sorry is Gone” can be a brilliant and uplifting listen. At its worst, the album is foot-dragging and snoozy. Mayfield still needs to define her sound and find a greater balance between her more straightforward, brighter jumps and her darker, more somber tones. But this album is a step in the right direction as she carries forward in her craft.


Summary: Mayfield’s “Sorry is Gone” provides a unique tone to the alternative rock scene with hypnotic guitar riffs and eerie vocals. The album shines its brightest where Mayfield finds a good balance between her vocal pop and her intoxicating guitar rifts. Although there are a few hidden gems, the album often drags its feet. Though there some songs may be worth listening, very few people will find themselves having the stamina to hear it all.