Administration addresses racist student videos
November 29, 2017
Headmaster Anthony Meyer and Superintendent Andrew Bott sent out an email today, Tuesday Nov. 28 at 4:50 p.m., to the Brookline public school faculty and families addressing recent videos that have been circulating throughout the Brookline community. In the videos, current and former high school students are recorded saying the N-word repeatedly to the camera.The first video also directs the slur at a current student.
The videos were originally posted on Snapchat and have recently been shared on Facebook by other high school students, many of whom expressed their anger toward the culture of racism at the high school and in Brookline.
In the email, Meyer and Bott expressed disgust for the actions of these students and said that “these types of videos and behavior are unacceptable and have no place within our community.” According to Meyer and Bott, an investigation has taken place regarding the first video, and “BHS is following through with appropriate disciplinary consequences.” The second video was brought to the faculty’s attention today and an investigation is currently underway. Students’ names and details into the investigation have not been released.

Stay tuned for more updates.