Cheer team performs at the Celtics game
The cheer team looks on as the varsity football game at Parsons field. The team also competes and performed on Nov. 24 at TD Garden before a Boston Celtics Game.
February 5, 2018
The cheer team will be performing their well-rehearsed routine before the Celtics game at TD Garden. This is the third year the cheer team will be performing at the Garden and it is one of the team’s annual highlights.
The event will be happening on Nov. 24. According to cheer team coach Meaghan Cells, the opportunity to perform at the Garden arose due to the efforts and connections of assistant coach, Erin Blette, who performed for the Celtics cheer team when she was younger.
“It’s something that they typically do with dance schools. Through Erin, we sought out that opportunity and have been doing it ever since,” Cells said.
The routine will take place prior to the start of the game. After performing and leaving the court, the team will take the elevator to the top floor of the Garden, where they can relax and watch the game.
“It’s a very cool opportunity to be able to see behind the scenes and see how it all comes together,” Cells said. “I really like it as a coach because it’s a great way for our students to have an opportunity to showcase what they do outside of a football game or a competition and really get out there and make people smile and introduce them to something a little new, to represent Brookline.”
High school senior and cheer captain Amara Obiora, who has performed previously at the Celtics game, recalls that she was not nervous.
“I have been performing for awhile in front of audiences. The only thing that was nerve-wracking was that we were performing on hard floors, so you can’t drop anyone,” Obiora said.
Bailey Lynch, a sophomore on junior varsity cheer, feels differently about the performance.
“I get so nervous, especially with performances. Sometimes I mess up, but I think since we have awhile before the Celtics game we have been preparing a lot so it won’t be that bad,” Lynch said.
Lynch points out that while the routine only lasts a few minutes, an enormous amount of hard work goes into it.
“It is hours and weeks of practicing. It’s hard work. You have to learn the music and know your motions and all the stunts,” Lynch said.
Cells appreciates this opportunity because of how important it is for the team.
“We typically feel really confident and it is an opportunity to celebrate what we can do,” Cells said. “No one is judging you and it’s all about putting your best foot forward and doing the best you possibly can.”