Superfans end school affiliation
Unified in white t-shirts, the Superfans section cheers on the boys varsity basketball team during a recent game in the Schluntz Gymnasium. The club was disbanded in November.
February 16, 2018
“YOU can’t DO that! YOU can’t DO that!” the Superfans section at the girls varsity soccer game jeers at the opposing team. Chants like these and others that target opponents are familiar to those who attend high school sporting events—the Superfans section is known for their loud presence at games.
The Superfans club ended their affiliation with the high school in November, after six years of being an official club. Superfans held fundraisers to buy freshmen Superfans t-shirts and promote games on social media. While the support was appreciated, game attendees in the Superfans section—whether official club members or fans that sat with them—often distracted players with unsportsmanlike chanting.
Junior Eric Chabon, who was a co-president of the club, said that he recently met with junior Brian Bechler, the other co-president of the club, and Michael Normant, the club advisor, to talk about whether or not the X-block club should continue. According to Chabon, many members no longer wanted to be associated with the bad reputation of the Superfans. In his view, however, these cheering sections were comprised largely of people who were not in the club.
“There were a few instances when students would be disrespectful at games, and it would be blamed on the Superfans Club even though none of us were involved, so the supervisor was upset with that and that contributed to our disbandment,” Chabon said.
According to Chabon, the official affiliation with the high school was no longer necessary.
“A lot of the work I did with Superfans, I didn’t really need a club to do it,” Chabon said. “It was a lot of stuff I would use social media [for], there wasn’t a lot we did in the club meeting during X-block.”
Although the club stopped meeting in November, Chabon remains an active supporter of athletics at the high school.
“I still run the social media accounts and promote games,” Chabon said.
Senior Mekhi Edge-Wallace, a varsity soccer player, had mixed feelings about the Superfans section. According to Edge-Wallace, while he liked the encouragement, the presence of the Superfans’ section at games could be distracting.
“There were some kids on the team [who] tried to play for them,” Edge-Wallace said. “But we really tried to enforce the idea that they’re the fans, and we try to play more for the team.”
Pilar Hincapie, a sophomore on the girls varsity volleyball team said that the section could be supportive, but at the same time unsportsmanlike to opposing teams.
“I think that the way they support other athletes on our team is a good thing and they make sports feel more important,” Hincapie said. “But, it’s a bad thing because people shouldn’t be harassed while playing sports.”