Driscoll Teacher Feature: Suzie Talukdar


Suzie Talukdar is the principal at the Michael Driscoll Elementary School.

Ian Andres, Scholars Staff Writer

Suzie Talukdar is the principal at the Michael Driscoll Elementary School. She has been working at Driscoll for a year.  Her mission is to make sure staff, teachers and especially students can get the most out of their learning experiences. She has always wanted to be a leader in education because her family emphasized the importance of it.

Who inspires you?

My parents were very inspirational to me because they immigrated here from another country and I think a lot about the sacrifices they had to make in order to pick up and leave. That was a choice they made and some people are forced to move and obviously hundreds of years ago people were taken from their country. So I am very fortunate they made that choice but I really think about the hard work and emphasis they placed on education. They have really always been my inspiration and I think knowing how much they sacrificed so that my sister and I could live the American dream.

What inspired you to be a principal?

There are lots of things that inspire me, but at the end of the day what I think most about is how can students get the most out of their school experience – when it comes to academics and learning how to be a productive citizen. Those are the two things that I care about the most. I think about how I can contribute to this world.

If you could have another job in the world what would it be?

To be honest I love the job just as much is being a mom, so I don’t know if I would trade it in for anything because it is great. I get to work with kids who are excited to learn, I get to know their families and work alongside with them. I am a strong believer in education – my parents always emphasized how important that is, so everyday is a learning opportunity for me. so I can be a leader in education in other ways and maybe someday I will do that and maybe someday I will work in a different capacity. I love working with kids and anything that allows me to work with young people is what I want to be doing.