Driscoll Teacher Feature: Kimberly Longmore


Kimberly Longmore is an administrative assistant at the Michael Driscoll Elementary School.

Amari Smith, Scholars Staff Writer

Kimberly Longmore is an administrative assistant at the Michael Driscoll Elementary School. This year is her sixth year working at Driscoll. When she was younger, Longmore wanted to become a singer and her dream vacation is to any place with warm weather.


What is your favorite thing about working at Driscoll?

My favorite thing about working here is working with the kids because they’re fun, they have fresh new ideas and they aren’t fake like adults.


What are some hobbies that you have?

My favorite hobbies are making silver jewelry, working with elderly ladies that have disabilities, and making arts and crafts with them.


What is your favorite memory about working at Driscoll?

My favorite memory is when I came back from the hospital from getting hit by a car and every inch of the office was filled with hearts to welcome me back.