Driscoll Teacher Feature: Paul Coco


Paul Coco teaches 7th and 8th grade math at the Michael Driscoll Elementary School.

Darius Grant, Scholars Staff Writer

Paul Coco is a 7th and 8th grade math teacher at the Michael Driscoll Elementary School. When Coco was younger, he played baseball and wanted to become a tattoo artist. He lived in New York, Rhode Island, and California.        


What was 7th and 8th grade like for you?

I didn’t do too well and I was always in trouble.


What’s the story behind your tattoos?

When I was young I loved art and wanted to become a tattoo artist. Also, my Uncle John was tatted up and I looked up to him and thought tattoos were cool.


What inspired you to teach math?

When I was in 9th grade I had a teacher Mr. Z who was super cool! He was hilarious and explained math to me in a way that was easy to understand. I fell in love with math and wanted to be like Mr. Z.