POTS: What is the kindest thing you have ever witnessed?
Yiming Fu, Staff Writer

Ifeamaka Richardson, sophomore
“One time, a girl was having a hard time and crying, and people were trying to console her; that was kind of nice. They were asking ‘what’s wrong, are you okay?’”

Kasra von Andrian, sophomore
“The nicest thing I witnessed was seeing people carrying the mats [for the blood drive] for people when they passed out from giving blood. When people give blood they can help so many people with such a range of illnesses and we just need more of it.”

Jeremy Lau, freshman
“I have witnessed a student very anxious about their test. It was a big test, so they were getting all worked up about it; then my friends all came up to him and started comforting him saying, ‘you can do this,’ ‘good job,’ ‘you’re smart,’ ‘you know this,’ ‘you can do it’ and stuff like that.”

Kaesha Marantz, sophomore
“I have a friend and every once in a while he goes home and he bakes huge mountains of scones, and then he brings them to school, and he shares them with literally anyone he meets in the hallways.”

Clay Baker-Lerner, sophomore
“A few months ago, we were going to have a quiz in social studies, but everyone kept saying how stressed out we were about all the other things we had going on, and so our history teacher was very nice and moved the quiz to another day to give us time to study for the other things. It was really nice; it was really great.”
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