The student news site of Brookline High School

Michael Proctor

What made you want to teach Special Education?

Partly because I had struggles in school, having Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and having trouble paying attention. But being successful after getting strategies to learn better and focus better, I discovered I can be a good student. And I wanted to help other students who struggle, but had a desire to learn.

Do you have a specific teaching experience that stands out to you?

I taught in what’s called a 45-Day Assessment Program, so that’s a program where students go who are struggling in school and many of them have emotional or social difficulties, behavioral kind of difficulties, and we learn how to better support those students and make them feel better about school. We make them feel better about themselves, and help them make a plan for better success. It’s called the Dearborn STEP Program

What is some advice that you would give your highschool self?

I would say be confident in yourself, learn how to listen more than talk, and trust that if you do your best you will succeed. You certainly do build reserve and resilience, and you think differently when you have ADHD, and you think more. You think in different directions a lot. It can be an advantage, but you have to get to know yourself and what your learning style is, or your social style.

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