What will students be doing this summer?


As the disrupted school year ended and a new kind of summer began, The Sagamore was curious to know what BHS students’ summer plans were and if the majority were affected by COVID-19.

A google survey via Canvas was sent out on June 15 and received 148 replies from 57 rising sophomores, 37 juniors and 54 seniors.

The short answer: yes. More than 80% of respondents recorded that their summer plans were either changed or cancelled due to the Coronavirus, with 40% of students specifically saying their plans were cancelled.

Surprisingly, the largest majority of summer plans were rooted in travel, with 48% of respondents saying they had travel plans this summer.

Respondents with plans for volunteering or a paid job both totalled 35%. 30% of respondents listed an internship and 32% planned to do a summer camp or school session.

Based on the individual results, rising Seniors and Juniors seem to be doing more volunteering, internships, and paid jobs, whereas rising sophomores have more travel or summer camp sessions.

Whatever your plans may be, The Sagamore hopes BHS students have a safe, healthy and fun summer 2020.