Transition to hybrid model announced
The two cohorts will alternate between time in the school buildings and remote learning. All students will have a noon dismissal on Wednesdays.
On Sunday Oct. 4, the Brookline School District released their schedule for a phased-in hybrid school model. According to an email sent by head of school, Anthony Meyer, 1st, 2nd and 9th grades will be starting the hybrid model on Tuesday Oct. 20. Third through 8th graders are scheduled to return to school buildings Monday Oct. 26 and 10th through 12th grades on Monday Nov. 9.

According to the email, ventilation in the school buildings has been updated accordingly, and all students will be required to submit a “health attestation” form, requiring parents to agree to monitor their child’s health before entering the school building, for the safety of other students.
The hybrid model will split all BPS students into two cohorts: Cohort A will attend in-person school Monday through Wednesday, and continue school remotely for Thursday and Friday of Week One. The cohort will then switch to in-person school for Monday and Tuesday, and remote for the rest of the week during Week 2. Cohort B will be in-person when Cohort A is not, and vice versa. Weeks 1 and 2 are scheduled to alternate.
School is scheduled to end at noon on Wednesdays for all students, but otherwise the overall schedule will remain unchanged.
If students or families wish to change their learning model between hybrid and the remote academy, an email will be sent on Monday, Nov. 2, and their new placement will begin Monday, Nov. 16.