Women’s rights march protests nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Protestors gathered in Boston Common to protest the nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
Women’s rights advocates gathered at the Boston Common Saturday, Oct. 17 for a march protesting the nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Event coordinators described the protest as a “march against fascism and the biggest threat to our democracy.”
The event was one of many Women’s Marches that occurred nationally on Oct. 17. Boston protestors congregated in front of the Massachusetts State House around 2pm “to send an unmistakable message about the fierce opposition to Trump and his agenda, including his attempt to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat,” the National Women’s March website said.
Many attendees carried signs with slogans such as “Forward not Backwards” and “People have the Power.” As the presidential election draws nearer, several protestors expressed their hope that everyone votes.

Marchers chanted “my body, my choice,” emphasizing one of the focuses of the march: abortion rights. Other chants included “vote him out,” referring to the movement to prevent President Donald Trump’s reelection this November.
Organizers of the protest accepted donations to help pay for masks, water [and] hand sanitizer, according to the Women’s March website. The site also said that “all donations not used for the march will be given to ActBlue and the Biden/Harris campaign.”
The group of protestors walked from the State House down Beacon Street, making a loop around the Public Garden and then proceeding down Tremont Street to Boston City Hall. Around 4pm, the crowd gathered in front of Faneuil Hall.
Website(s) for event: https://act.womensmarch.com/event/oct-17-march/29?source=website&akid=