Hattie Liang
October 22
Hattie Liang has her OLS orientation on Thursday where she got to see the school for the first time. She is officially returning to school next Thursday and is bringing her coat since the windows will be open.
What you are most nervous/looking forward in terms of going back to school on Thursday?
Excited more to see friends and meet people than for the in-person learning experience, but I’m hoping the teachers have something figured out. From what I’ve heard the windows are kept open for ventilation, so I’m comping prepared with my coat!
October 26
After returning to school for her first day, Liang found that school was better than what she has previously thought, although the hallways got a but crowded sometimes.
How was your first day of school back? How was it different from regular school? What precautions did teachers/people take? Did you feel safe?
School was actually so much better than I expected – especially since it was snowing on Friday. Some teachers will do half the time whole class learning and a half just with the kids in person, which makes it feel almost normal. I definitely felt safe (they make you wipe down the tables after every class), but the hallways can get a little crowded at times. It also wasn’t actually that cold so I was comfortable in a sweater.
Did you have to eat lunch outside or was it inside?
It was horrible outside so both days we ate inside at desks 6 ft apart.