The Bullet Journaling Club offers a supportive and collaborative space for creative students
Bullet Journals are personalized and often beautiful planners to help organize events, tasks and appointments. Members of the Bullet Journaling Club work together to share supplies and tips.
The Bullet Journaling Club reimagines the simple and mundane planner and turns it into something creative, beautiful and ever functional.
The Bullet Journaling Club is a place where students can go to chat, make friends and share supplies and tips for bullet journaling.
Club co-founder and junior Masha Gerashchenko said that many components of bullet journaling help you sort out your life.
“It’s a personalized planner where you can organize your daily schedule and your homework, but you can also do it in a creative way,” Gerashchenko said.
Besides being used to stay organized, Gerashchenko said that bullet journals can also be used as a diary of sorts.
“It can be a place where you write your thoughts, like a diary, and you can also do art in there,” Gerashchenko said.
However, bullet journals are not just a diary and planner. They can be whatever you want, according to club member and Junior Helen Ives.
“A lot of it is habit trackers for whatever your habits are, or lists, like what music you’re listening to,” Ives said. “It creates this way to look back at what you were into at a certain moment.”
Creativity is a big part of bullet journaling. Ives said how starting a bullet journal made her excited to organize and plan her day, whereas opening her old planner had made her feel sad and disinterested.
“When you finish a spread and look back on it, it makes you happy. It’s this feeling of fulfillment and pride, like, ‘Yeah, I made that, and I think it looks really sick,’” Ives said.
According to Senior Hanalei Henderson, in addition to allowing users to be creative, bullet journals also foster great productivity.
“It’s a really good way to stay organized while also having a creative outlet, and I find it really helpful for time management,” Henderson said.
When the club was able to meet in person, members would chat while eating snacks, sharing supplies and working on their bullet journals. However, since quarantine made meetings a bit more difficult, the group decided to take on some non-bullet journaling related projects.
“We made cards for retirement homes,” Gerashchenko said. “The elderly enjoy getting cards sometimes, so it’s just to make their days brighter.”
According to club members, no prior experience is needed to join the club. Ives said how club members help reassure each other about their bullet journals.
“You bond over the stress. You recognize it in each other, and you can nudge each other, and be like, ‘Don’t worry, your spread looks great. You don’t have to stress about it,’” Ives said.
Besides providing members with a new way to organize their lives, the club also provides a community within the school.
“If you’re looking for a place not only to meet nice people but also to get your inspiration fueled,” Ives said, “then bullet journaling is definitely the club for you.”