Warriors Changing Our World

Tina Li uses her voice to help amplify others
Tina Li entered the social activism scene in 2020, making it clear she has a strong voice and will not be silenced anytime soon. Li has been amplifying Asian-American voices for many years. Currently a sophomore, watching hate crimes increase following the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted her to take action. Following the 2021 Atlanta shootings, in which six of the eight victims were women of As...

Madison Allen’s QR codes help students report discrimination
‘You are welcome here.’ That is what the scannable QR codes that are scattered throughout the school say. They allow students to report discrimination. Created by junior Madison Allen and her partner in the Placard Program, junior Alice MacGarvie Thompson, the signs represent Allen’s creativity and problem solving abilities. Allen’s persistence and passion to make change spur her activism. Allen...

Sasha Kalvert uses leadership skills to fight sexual violence
While sexual harrasment and gender inequality have been worldwide issues for decades, Sasha Kalvert is working to dismantle these systems—starting at the high school level. As Sexual Harasment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) leader, Kalvert, a senior, uses her leadership skills to fight sexual violence with the hope of creating a safer community for all students at the high school. Kalvert...

Shadeh Okoudjou
Fifty nine percent of younger generations say they can influence their local governments, according to a study done by Yale University. Senior Shadeh Okoudjou is certainly a part of this percentage. Okoudjou volunteers at A Better Brookline (ABB), a campaign working to turn Brookline into a city. The organization is attempting to get a charter commission, which will ask if representatives coul...

Nate Harris
Senior Nate Harris is in the process of developing an app that makes interactions between police officers and drivers safer. He started to make the app last year after his AP Computer Science and Principals teacher, David Petty, encouraged him to submit the project as part of the Congressional App Challenge. Harris came up with this idea after realizing the danger of traffic stops. “There's certainly...

Isis Contreras
Senior Isis Contreras noticed racial disparities in the town, which led her to join many programs in an effort to combat these problems. This past summer, she participated in the National Student Leadership Conference on international diplomacy. Contreras joined the program after learning that she would be able to understand more about how to be a better leader so she could help fix racial disparities. “We...
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