Peeps: What did you think of Intersession Day?
Taj Horowitz, News Editor

Gareth Jones
11th grade, he/him I thought it was pretty cool honestly. I thought bringing in students to talk about it more was really good, and to hear two students’ perspectives was great, both association-wise and also individually. I thought the guests brought in were really vocal and inspiring with their stories. I think the format was more understandable and less glitz and glamor than years prior.

Ary Alvarez-Valdez
11th grade she/her I think in general the day had good intentions. I think Azavia and Medhi were very well-spoken and very interesting. The BETCo video was my biggest problem. I think they could have done a much better job with the script if they hadn’t made it so stereotypical and been so straightforward because it is something that we have been hearing over and over and over again.

Evan Guttell
12th grade he/him I think Intersession Day is a very good idea and I like having a break in time after mid-years. I think it was very unfortunate how the day played out. Half the day was left up to students to figure it out and that led the administration to have no responsibility for how the day went. It is really unfortunate that one of the two days we dedicate to learning about racism at BHS...

Joshua Chan
10th grade he/him I thought it was a good idea and would definitely like to see more of it but I would definitely want it to be more interactive in the future or something a little bit more engaging. I know a lot of students started spacing out after the first Zoom meeting because of just how long it was. Maybe something a little more spread out or more engaging, but I liked the idea we should definitely...

Elliot Stolyarov
10th grade he/him I thought Intersession Day was very interesting how the students who are actually at BHS shared their stories. It’s really interesting to see how when someone is so passionate about something they can make so much change and I think showing all the students a fellow peers story gives all the other students a sense of hope they themselves can make a change.
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