Administrators disclose the finding of a racial epithet carved into a desk
Within one day of the return to school from February vacation, high school staff discovered and reported a racial epithet carved into a desk.
On Mar. 1, Head of School Anthony Meyer sent an email to the high school community addressing a racial epithet that had been carved into a desk.
The vandalism described in Meyer’s email was not an isolated incident, as there have been multiple findings of racially-charged and hateful vandalism at the school this year. This incident came only three weeks after the administration reported a video in which a student spoke using hateful language in conjunction with a racial slur.
Meyer said that teachers approached a school administrator after finding the epithet on the desk, and the administration is now investigating the situation.
Due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, the administration and staff are unable to provide further details of the incident or which minority group it targeted. Therefore, this story is progressing and will be updated as more information is released.
Meyer asked that students report any suspicious behavior or activity, and he expressed deep frustration of yet another racist occurrence.
“This type of vandalism – particularly with racist language – is unacceptable and has no place in our community,” Meyer said.