Sadness and excitement await in “Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi”
“Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi” features part of the stories of known “Star Wars” characters Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku.
Jump in your spaceship! The new television adventure into the “Star Wars” universe offers an unexpectedly emotional journey into the fascinating stories of two famous characters.
“Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi,” the new “Star Wars” animated anthology, was released on Disney Plus on Oct. 26. The six episode series follows familiar faces from the “Star Wars” universe, these being Count Dooku, from the movie “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones,” and Ahsoka Tano, from the television show “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.” Overall, the series was an emotional and thrilling excursion into the magnificent “Star Wars” universe.
The series is split in two, with three episodes focusing on Dooku and another three on Tano. Dooku’s storyline depicts his turning against the Jedi and into the villain fans are familiar with, while Tano’s covers a broader expanse of time. Her plot shows her journey as a Jedi, including her life after the Empire’s rise.
While all three of the Dooku episodes are absolutely magnificent, episode four, “The Sith Lord,” stands above the rest. This episode is incredibly heart wrenching in its display of Dooku making his final choice to fall entirely to the darkness. Horribly, he does this by killing an innocent friend. This episode is made to be especially emotional by the ones leading up to it, which reveal Dooku has turned from the Jedi for understandable criticisms.
Close behind “The Sith Lord” is episode two, “Justice,” which follows a not-yet-evil Dooku standing up for an oppressed town against an evil senator. The jarring quality of watching a character we know is destined for evil, fighting for good, is what makes this episode great. Indeed, seeing his lightsaber ignite with a blue blade, and not a red one, is absolutely chilling. However, there are hints of the villain he will become within the episode.
As for Tano’s storyline, her first episode, “Life and Death,” is the best of her plot. This episode reveals her discovery of possessing the force and, in doing so, showcases her family and culture. Her village, moreover, proves to be visually stunning, surrounded by a lush, green landscape.
Overall, however, Tano’s episodes don’t carry the same emotional impact as those of Dooku, which ultimately leads to her part of the show being weaker. For her, the emotion mainly comes from her final episode. “Resolve” depicts her life after Order 66, the command to annihilate all Jedi. However, Jedi life after this command has already been seen by viewers, which weakens the impact and makes the episode pale in comparison to Dooku’s fall to darkness.
Besides the individual storylines, the visuals of the show are absolutely stunning. The numerous settings throughout the show are breathtaking, especially the natural landscapes. Also, the glow of lightsabers are paired with these settings to create incredible visuals. For example, when the bright blue and green lightsabers of Count Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn (another famous character, featured in “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace”) are juxtaposed in a far-off shot with a dark background, the resulting image is awe-inspiring.
In the end, the series offers a beautiful and gripping adventure that carries with it a surprising measure of emotion in its rather short length. It is very much worth watching.