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The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

Deven Devaiah motivates team through leadership

Deven Devaiah contributes to the positive environment on the tennis team.

Positive. Motivated. Dedicated. As a captain of boys varsity tennis, junior Deven Devaiah puts his best foot forward and inspires the team to strive for success through his hard work and motivation.

Devaiah began playing tennis at six years old and has been on the varsity tennis team since his freshman year. Devaiah said the team dynamic is what encouraged him to play high school tennis.

According to Devaiah, team members communicate well and are good friends who respect each other, both of which he thinks are key to creating success.

“Being part of the team makes it more fun. Whereas in individual leagues, it’s more competitive and it’s more stressful,” Devaiah said.

Devaiah said the biggest lesson he’s learned throughout the years is how to work well within a team.

“I’d say that high school tennis is not only about performing well individually, but it’s also about boosting your teammates and being a great teammate,” Devaiah said. “It teaches leadership, it teaches how to be a good person, how to be supportive.”

According to Devaiah, his favorite part of tennis is the mental strength that comes with playing.

“I’d say it is so different in that it’s an individual sport. So it requires so much mental fortitude. I think that it’s much more stressful and it also sets tennis apart because it’s a different game entirely from other sports,” Devaiah said.

Freshman and teammate Winston Chan said Devaiah motivated him to play tennis in high school. Chan said that Devaiah is a nice, funny and charismatic teammate who works well with the other captains.

“He’s really positive and he helps bring people up,” Chan said. “He says a lot of things like, ‘good shot’ and stuff like that. He can also be a little sarcastic too, and it’s kind of funny. I think it also makes the other team members more positive.”

Sophomore and teammate Eitan Khait said Devaiah loves playing tennis and is always putting in 100 percent. Khait said that other people who are trying to lead a team can learn from Devaiah’s passion and supportive motivation.

“He really drives motivation,” Khait said. “He tries to give them as much help as they need.”

Devaiah said he has learned communication and leadership through working with his teammates.

“You definitely learn how to communicate with others and lead as more of a leadership position that you may have in the workforce,” Devaiah said. “You definitely learn how to command the respect of certain people. But you also learn how to help other people out, which is key to life.”

Devaiah said the most meaningful experiences he’s had while being captain have come from bonding with teammates and learning how to lead them.

“Be yourself and make sure that the people who you are coaching or leading respect you. I think that’s a big thing,” Devaiah said.

Khait said that Devaiah adds positively to the team atmosphere through his characteristics.

“He’s always so happy,” Khait said. “He’s really great to be around with. He just brings positive moods. He hypes everyone up.”

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