February’s Community Member of the Month is Andrew Maglathlin for his mentorship and community building within ceramics.
One thousand dollars. That is how much juniors Sylvie Kostant-Greeley, Becky Winickoff and Alice Michelson sold their ceramics pieces for at an art sale at Time Out Market. Kostant-Greeley said that ceramics teacher Andrew Maglathlin supported them throughout the entire artistic process.
In the 12 years he has taught at the high school, Maglathlin has stood out amongst students as a teacher who is dedicated to building relationships with students and instilling them with skills they can apply outside of the ceramics studio.
Maglathlin said that he took his first ceramics class in high school but didn’t know he would go on to pursue it later. When he was at college, positive interactions with the art building and faculty cemented his love for art and, as a result, he changed his major to art.
“I remember my ceramics teacher had this big wood kiln at his house and it takes a couple of days to fire it. I participated in that and stayed at his house for the whole weekend and even had dinner with his family,” Maglathlin said. “I was just like, ‘This is amazing, this isn’t happening with any of my other professors.’”
After college, when he initially saw the job posting to teach at the high school, Maglathlin said he was drawn in by the amazing facility but has settled down here because of the students.
“I really try to talk to all of my students on a personal level beyond what the class is. I want to know, ‘Are you playing sports?’ Or, ‘What are you doing outside of school?’” Maglathlin said.
Kostant-Greeley has taken ceramics with Magalathlin since she was a freshman. She said that when she and her friends heard about the art sale at Time Out Market they immediately signed up. When Maglathlin was informed of their plan, he helped them prepare and price their art appropriately.
“He came to the market with his whole family, some of his former students, and they bought stuff. We made about 1,200 dollars. He lives far away too, so it was definitely very nice and supportive,” Kostant-Greeley said. “He gets so excited for any project we want to do outside of school.”
Next year, Kostant-Greeley said she plans to take AP Art, specializing in ceramics. Maglathlin opens his studio every day at 7 a.m.. Kostant-Greeley said she plans to continue to use the Z-block window to meet deadlines.
“Mr. M is devoted to his students, letting them do whatever they creatively want to do. Like, right now I just finished an entire table setting,” Kostant-Greeley said. “He puts in a big time commitment for us.”
Sophomore Jonah Kleinbaum is independently studying ceramics under Maglathlin’s mentorship. He nominated Maglathlin for The Cypress’ Community Member of the Month. Kleinbaum said that he allows students to trickle into the studio during their free blocks, even if he is teaching, and customizes the curriculum for certain students.
“He does a good job of challenging me and all his students to not just do something because it’s easy or trending on TikTok, but to make things that are meaningful and develop your personal style. He genuinely cares about each one of us,” Kleinbaum said.
Maglathlin said that the Time Out Market Sale was a proud moment and reflective of the amazing group of students he has had this year, many of whom are putting together high-caliber portfolios for art schools or shows they are applying to.
“I haven’t quite figured it out, but right now I’m trying to create an online community to continue on what we have here at BHS. I really want to connect my past students currently working in ceramics, have them reach out and share residencies and other opportunities,” Maglathin said.
Mastering the wheel can be tricky, but Kleinbaum said he admires Mahlathin’s patience while helping students work through challenges. In his experience, Maglathlin makes students feel comfortable by being emotionally available.
“Maybe you don’t want to talk about it; you just want to focus on your work and get out of there,” Kleinbaum said. “But other times you do want to sit down, explain why it was a bad day and he’s there for you no matter what you choose.”