The school held its first ever Arena Day on Wednesday, June 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the library.
Guidance counselors, department chairs and other administrative personnel gathered together to help students with major issues in their schedules.
Guidance counselor Clifton Jones estimated that about 150 students, who formed a line that extended down the senior hallway, attended the event.
Junior Lia Lankford said that Arena Day was helpful and served its purpose but that it could have been better executed.
“I thought it was pretty disorganized,” Lankford said. “I didn’t meet with my guidance counselor, which I think was a problem for a lot of people. My guidance counselor already knew my situation, so it was a little redundant for me to have to explain it to other people. Also, I think a lot of people were pissed off about the wait.”
Lankford said she thinks Arena Day should be spread out across more days and the scheduling done earlier.
“I think a lot of people felt a sense of urgency that just created a whole negative feeling about Arena Day,” she said.
Jones said that while the line was long, he really liked the idea of Arena Day because of how the various faculty members were accessible at the same time and place.
“To get changes like that made is more efficient because usually you come to your counselor’s office, and you have to talk to one department head about a change and wait for a response. Then while you’re waiting, classes change, and that can change something else. With the Arena Day, everyone is in the same room so you can get it done,” Jones said.
Jones said that, in terms of scheduling, more changes still need to be made and more issues need to be addressed but that the event was useful in resolving many issues.
Another Arena Day is scheduled for Thursday, June 27 from 9 to 11 a.m.
Alex Johnson can be contacted at