Sag: What values have you drawn from playing basketball?
Moyer: It has played a huge role in my life. I started playing basketball in kindergarten, playing rec basketball in Old Lyme, Connecticut, and I have been playing ever since. I’ve drawn many values from it, including teamwork, hard work and determination.
Sag: How does basketball affect your life?
Moyer: Basketball has a big effect on me because I play so much of it. During the basketball season, I have basketball six days a week. That leaves a shortened amount of time for schoolwork, family and friends. However, basketball is very important to me, so having other parts of my life take a little hit from basketball is fine with me.
Sag: How have your coaches influenced you in your basketball career?
Moyer: Coach Day is one of the best coaches I’ve had in my basketball career. He criticizes you in a hard way, but that is just because he cares about his players and wants his players to be the best that they can be. Also, coach Ford has been a great coach for me from JV and freshman year. He is a great motivator and is a great coach. Our freshman team went 21-0.
Sag: How do you deal with defeat?
Moyer: Defeat is a very hard thing to deal with. However, we are all friends on the team, and we pick people up when they are down, which makes defeat easier to cope with. You have to have a short-term memory in basketball, or you will dwell on the bad things, and it will decrease your confidence. Our captains do a great job of getting us to forget about the loss, come back to practice the next day and get back on track and get ready for the next game.
Sarah Gladstone can be contacted at