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The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

Oliver Fox

Oliver Fox, Editor-in-Chief

Oliver Fox is currently a senior at Brookline High School and has been in the Sagamore’s staff since 2018. In his free time, he likes to play fantasy football and read the news an irresponsible amount. Oliver is also colorblind, so don’t ask him for any style advice.

All content by Oliver Fox
Fox's News: Trump's coup de grâce

Fox’s News: Trump’s coup de grâce

Oliver Fox, Editor-in-Chief
January 20, 2021
Fox's News: The election of the century

Fox’s News: The election of the century

Oliver Fox, Editor-in-Chief
November 14, 2020
After an unsuccessful bid  for the nomination, Harris will again be tested on the national stage. This time, the stakes are different and hold the future of Democratic politics in the balance.

Fox’s News: Passing the Torch

Oliver Fox, Editor-in-Chief
August 12, 2020
Sagamore Recommends: movies

Sagamore Recommends: movies

Oliver Fox, Opinions Editor
April 6, 2020
Mayor Pete Buttigieg won an eventually positive result at the 2020 Iowa Caucuses, but the night's debacles stole some of his and Senator Bernie Sanders' thunder.

Fox’s News: Iowa Madness

Oliver Fox, Opinions Editor
February 13, 2020
Math teacher David Knott speaks at a School Committee meeting. According to an MIT tool, paraprofessionals earn less than the living wage in the county.

Paraprofessionals unrewarded for work

Oliver Fox, Opinions Editor
December 4, 2019
Andrew Yang has been overperfomlng in national polls thus far, as well as in the Sagamore's own school wide poll, in which Yang garnered over 25% of support.

Fox’s News: Andrew Yang

Oliver Fox, Opinions Editor
November 3, 2019
Actor Joaquin Phoenix masterfully plays the vintage villain as a mentally-ill psychopath, but Phoenix's performance is overshadowed by poor writing and underdeveloped themes.

Movie Review: The Joker

Oliver Fox, Opinions Editor
October 25, 2019
Jim Thorpe

Jim Thorpe

Oliver Fox, Staff Writer
December 2, 2018
Naomi Lang

Naomi Lang

Oliver Fox, Staff Writer
December 2, 2018

Parul Matani

Oliver Fox, Staff Writer
October 24, 2018
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The student news site of Brookline High School
Oliver Fox