What are you looking forward to most this school year?

Iman Khan and Evan Marohn


Elsbeth Leslie, science teacher

“This school year I’m looking forward to going on the China exchange with eight of our Brookline students to our sister school in Xi’an, China.”

Alex Ervin, senior

I’ve been here for the last four years, so I think it’s time for me to move on. I’m also looking forward to helping out these freshmen in the METCO and Scholars program; build a community around here.

Anna Katherine Cox, freshman

I think I’m most looking forward to… well one: getting good grades, and two: open campus.

Henry Walker, sophomore.

“This year, I’m looking forward to seeing friends, playing sports, and okay fine, parties.” ]

Jordan Dias, freshman

“Mainly sports, like spring track. And I’m doing cheer, so hopefully I can get on Winter. And the Thanksgiving football game because I like football. It’s one of my favorite sports and I really hope BHS beats Newton North.”   

Zach Altshuler, Senior

“I’m looking forward to being able to have some closure on everything I’ve done in the last four years. There’re a lot of things I’ve been able to work on for a long period of time and being able to have these things come together, and being a leader in all these different things and making sure they are good for the future.”

Beatriz Andrade, sophomore

“I’m really looking forward to my chem classes because I really like chemistry so I’m looking forward to seeing how this year will be. And I’m looking forward to seeing how restaurant is because this is the first time I’m trying it so I’m excited to see that. I think that it’s, yeah.” 

Sammy Davis, sophomore

This school year I’m looking forward to going to San Francisco with the jazz band in April.”

Reporting and photos by Evan Marohn, Iman Khan, Jason Altshuler, Marco Georgaklis, Susanna Kemp, and Sascha Wolf-Sorokin