Librarians integrate novel technology into teaching

Raven Bogues, Staff Writer

Although it may seem like the library is just for books and studying, there is actually a lot the librarians do to optimize the library experience. Technology has been a big learning experience for the librarians, but they find that it helps them teach the students.

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Librarian Ann Collins helps a student in the library. KAYLA MCKEON / SAGAMORE STAFF

The main job of the librarians is to help the students find easier ways of getting information. According to librarian Shelley Mains, the recent abundance of technology has not changed the difficulty of the job.

“I don’t think it has changed that much because teaching is teaching, and we know a lot more ways to use technology to help with teaching. The learning and teaching doesn’t necessarily change,” Mains said.

For librarian Ann Collins, print books are not always the most convenient way to get information, and the library holds plenty of alternatives to print.

“We are able to do books on demand more easily because we have Kindles and we’re also supposed to be getting more iPads,” Collins said. “We have a lot of books downloaded, and we’re also purchasing more reference books online, and they can be easier to search in some cases.”

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Librarian Bridget Knightly stands by the circulation desk at the high school’s library. KAYLA MCKEON / SAGAMORE STAFF

Collins said that the librarians do a lot of behind-the-scene work so that they are able to recommend great books. A lot of that work comes from using online resources.

“A lot of the job is reviewing different review journals, [which are] library journals that would help us decide which books to purchase based on what the curriculum is here.” Collins said.

According to English teacher Rebecca Hayden, classes throughout the school reap the benefits of the hard work that the librarians put in behind the scenes.

“Mostly I use our wonderful librarians for book talks and coming up with appropriate book titles for students. They read constantly and they are very good at making recommendations,” Hayden said.