New mural club intends to brighten up high school hallway


The hallway near the math office has been painted over in a stark white. The mural club intends to turn it into a colorful piece of art.

Milena Kitterman, Staff Writer

“You go straight, and it’s white, and you turn around another corner and it’s white again and then you turn and you’re like, ‘Oh’” junior Sophie Miller said, describing the math hallway.  

Miller hopes to create a more welcoming environment in the tiled section of the math hallway by painting a mural.

Miller, the founder, and leader of the Mural club was originally inspired by her own experience walking down that particular hallway.

“I feel like I’m in an asylum, and it’s eerie. I think discomfort really inspired me, and I think just having little things to brighten up your day can be useful,” Miller said.

Although they are still in the beginning stages of planning, Miller has been working hard to collaborate with the administration in order to make sure her goals are reachable.

As a School Within a School (SWS) student, Miller first went to SWS Coordinator Dan Bresman to pitch her idea and then spoke to Assistant Headmaster Hal Mason for final approval.

“We haven’t started painting yet, but soon we will get our sketches ready and turn them into Mr. Mason to see what he thinks. It is a long process, but it will get there,” Miller said.

Photography teacher Lori Lynn, the advisor of the club, said that they decided that their end goal is to liven the space up with a meaningful painting and are currently exploring different ways to do this.

“They want to brighten up that area to make it feel like a more happy and pleasant space. We have also discussed if we want this mural to have some kind of a message that relates to the community of Brookline High School,” Lynn said. “Should it be images of people who go here? Do we want to have some kind of a theme that we feel could contribute to the school climate? We haven’t really gotten to an answer yet.”

For Miller, this project presents a different personal challenge and she feels it has helped her reach out of her comfort zone.

“I am not really a leadership person, so this has been kind of an adjustment. I’m really the type to somewhat stay back and let other people lead. I just had such a strong idea that I really wanted to pursue,” Miller said.

Lynn, who has had previous experience designing murals, says that the challenge is rewarding.

“It is a way to get to know students that are different from having them in your class and that is really nice. It is a really challenging project. It is one of those things that seems like all fun and like ‘oh yeah you get to paint a wall! That’s really cool!’” Lynn said. “It’s actually a ton of work. It’s really difficult to come up with a design that everyone can agree on and that challenge is very gratifying.”

Sophomore club member Hannah Ernst said that this project will last beyond her time at the high school.

“I just think it would be cool to leave something in the school that the students did. If we go through with this and it works out, then there’ll be something left from this group of people for so many years,” Ernst said.

Lynn is excited about the mural and hopes that these dreams will become reality in the near future.

“I’m sure we will all feel proud if we are able to make it happen. There’s no guarantee at this point. We are really just trying to build up the idea and get a solid group of people to work on it,” Lynn said.”We are all excited about how great it could be if we get it done.”

The Mural Club meets X-block in room UA 30.