Dungeons and Dragons Club strives to create fun and stress-free environment for students
The Dungeons and Dragons club is composed of high school students who participate in the creation of characters and campaigns.
A warlock. A bard. Magic, fighting and spell-casting. For members of the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) club, these aren’t just fantasy; when the time comes to cluster around a table, roll dice and let their imaginations go wild, these students enter the realm of the supernatural for an eventful thirty-five minutes.
The D&D club is composed of students who participate in the creation of fantasy characters and campaigns.
According to club president and senior Gabe Kramer, the D&D club is a well-organized club that requires planning to succeed. Although the campaign, or storyline, of the role-playing hasn’t yet started, the members have already created unique characters, including an eldritch, a bard and a dungeon master.
Senior Alexander Frois said he likes the autonomy the club provides.
“{The club} makes you feel like you’re free and you can do whatever you want to do and not let someone dictate you,” Frois said.
Kramer said he doesn’t take the game too seriously and is more focused on having fun.
“That’s what really attracted me about D&D: it’s an excuse to hang out with your friends while having a fun activity,” Kramer said.
Frois said the club is open to different kinds of people and the most important thing for new members of the club to know is they’ll be respected for who they are.
According to Kramer, anyone is free to join, regardless of how long they’ve been playing.
Math teacher and club adviser Chloe Woolever, said though she has only been the adviser for a short period, she has a positive impression.
“My impression this year so far is that this club is full of very welcoming students. As students who were coming to the club for the first time came in, other students were very friendly,” Woolever said. “They are always saying hello, introducing themselves, asking the newcomer’s name and getting them caught up with what has happened in the game so far.”
Woolever’s impression of a welcoming environment has proven to be correct for junior Vinicius Pereira-Scoccia. He said joining helped him branch out and meet people he would not have met otherwise.
According to Pereira-Scoccia, the role-playing game lets you use your imagination. He said his favorite thing about playing D&D is the possibilities of what he can do.
Frois said the D&D club provides much needed stress relief.
“It makes school a whole lot better,” Frois said. “It gives us somewhere we can relax and ease off our stress and somewhere we can be with friends and not have to worry about schoolwork.”