Jesse Mayfield-Sheehan brings Brookline sports to the screen


Jesse Mayfield-Sheehan has achieved his childhood dream of being a sports broadcaster. Mayfield-Sheehan has returned to Brookline and has been streaming many of the high school’s games.

“Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!” Superfans club members chant as they spot Jesse Mayfield-Sheehan broadcasting the boys varsity soccer game on Oct. 29.

Mayfield-Sheehan, class of 2011, has returned to the community with a mission. Mayfield-Sheehan, an independent freelance sports reporter, has taken on the responsibility of recording and broadcasting many of the high school’s sports games.

Mayfield-Sheehan’s love for sports media is not new. He said he fell in love with sports at a young age, and ever since he was 10 years old, he knew he wanted to be involved in sports media.

“I’d go to family get-togethers, and people would tell me I ought to be a sports announcer. So, I kind of latched on to that,” Mayfield-Sheehan said. “My mom sent me to a sports broadcasting summer camp for a few years when I was in middle school. I always did my best to find whatever journalist opportunities there were in high school.”

After graduating from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2015, Mayfield-Sheehan became a production assistant at the New England Sports Network (NESN). Unhappy with that, he ended up trying a number of jobs until 2019, when he decided to move back to Brookline and pursue his old dream.

“While I enjoyed all of my jobs, there was always something that felt like it was missing. I missed the consistency of going out to games,” Mayfield-Sheehan said. “I quit my job and moved back home to Brookline. I moved back in with my parents and started to go to games and started doing these audio-only recordings for a while.”

Mayfield-Sheehan started broadcasting high school games for fun and was doing it entirely for free. When people started offering him money for games, he realized he could turn his passion into a job.

“Teams kept requesting and booking me. It’s so funny because so often parents, players and coaches will come up to me and tell me how grateful they are that I’m doing this and thank me. And I’m like ‘Y’all are paying me to watch a game and talk about it like the little sports fanboy that I am.’ I should be thanking them. It’s just so fun,” Mayfield-Sheehan said.

Keenan Sawada, junior and infielder of the boys varsity baseball team, said Mayfield-Sheehan is known for enthusiastic broadcasts.

“The amount of excitement and effort that Jesse puts into covering baseball is hard to do. It’s awesome. A lot of people see baseball as boring, but Jesse makes it exciting. His love for broadcasting is something special,” Sawada said.

Senior and attacking midfielder of the girls varsity soccer team Sari Frankl said Mayfield-Sheehan is a great community member for athletics at the high school with helpful videos for athletes. Frankl said that even though she was injured earlier in the season, Mayfield-Sheehan’s streams allowed her to still feel involved with the team.

“I was concussed earlier this season and I was able to watch my team play on his live feed and that helped me to be part of my team without physically being there,” Frankl said. “It’s also important because you can have families wherever they are in the world tune in to BHS athletics, and that’s building a culture within itself.”

Frankl said it’s been great that girls teams have been getting more recognition through Mayfield-Sheehan’s broadcasts.

“Overall, I think Jesse is doing us a great service and it’s a great way to endorse athletic teams who don’t get as much attention, which happens to be some of the girls teams. Sometimes it feels like girls teams are a little bit second to boys teams. So having someone report on our games is really cool,” Frankl said.

Mayfield-Sheehan said he would be perfectly content with broadcasting highschool games for the rest of his life since his childhood dream has finally come true.

“I mean it would be lovely if the Red Sox came calling or something but I don’t expect that anytime soon. What I found is that honestly, sports are sports. There’s something to love about any sport at any level,” Mayfield-Sheehan said. “High school games have their own special charm. I could do this forever.”

Follow Jesse on YouTube @Jesse Mayfield-Sheehan and Instagram @jgms88.