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The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

The student news site of Brookline High School

The Cypress

Boys varsity baseball beat the Framingham Flyers during their last game of the season

The boys varsity baseball team defeated the Framingham Flyers 4-3 in their last game of the regular season at Parsons Field on Wednesday, May. 22, bringing their record to 11-9. Having won ten games, the team will go on to compete in the playoffs for the first time since 2021.
The boys varsity baseball team defeated the Framingham Flyers 4-3 in their last game of the regular season at Parsons Field on Wednesday, May. 22, bringing their record to 11-9. Having won ten games, the team will go on to compete in the playoffs for the first time since 2021.

The boys varsity baseball team defeated the Framingham Flyers 4-3 in their last game of the regular season at Parsons Field on Wednesday, May. 22, bringing their record to 11-9. Having won ten games, the team will go on to compete in the playoffs for the first time since 2021.

The Warriors fell behind 2-0 in the first inning after the Flyers loaded the bases with no outs. Sophomore Wally Lawrence was stranded on third base, leaving the Warriors with a scoreless second inning. However, they were able to flip the momentum by the beginning of the third inning and score two runs.

Junior and first baseman Adam Rosenblatt ripped a lead-off triple and was hit in by senior and left fielder Ben Rosenblatt in the next at-bat. Ben Rosenblatt also scored later in the third after senior, captain and relief pitcher Charlie Engelman hit a single into center field.

Head coach Brendan O’Connor said the third-inning rally led by the Rosenblatt’s was an important turning point for the Warriors.

“The combination of key moments in the game were Adam Rosenblatt’s triple, and then his brother Ben driving him in,” O’Connor said. “That was awesome to be a part of.”

Despite the Rosenblatts’ pivotal moment, the Flyers quickly responded, retaking their lead by the end of the third inning and bringing the score to 3-2.

In the top of the fourth inning, the Rosenblatt’s stayed hot and accounted for two more runs: senior, center fielder and captain Harrison Sigel’s eleventh and twelfth runs batted in of the year.

The Warriors made no errors in the field and notched their first two triples of the year, which were hit by Adam Rosenblatt and junior and shortstop Elias Brendel.

Neither team scored more runs after the fourth inning, largely due to Engelman’s three scoreless innings of relief pitching. Engelman tallied his first save of the season, securing the Warriors a 4-3 victory.

O’Connor said the team had a strong performance on both sides of the ball, playing up to his offensive and defensive expectations.

“Our defense was awesome. Again, making the plays that we should and making some great plays that not everyone makes,” O’Connor said. “Then on the offensive side, we were able to get some big hits. We had our first two triples of the season.”

As the Warriors head into the playoffs, Engelman said the team needs to focus on their intensity and be smart when dealing with the warmer weather in May and June.

“We came into this moment wanting to treat it like a playoff game and I think we did that. So, we’re looking forward to next week. We have a couple days to prepare ourselves,” Engelman said. “Especially as it gets hotter out here, we don’t want to exhaust ourselves. So, just as I say, getting a bang for your buck with the time you’re putting in.”

Adam Rosenblatt said the team is a close-knit group of players and is looking forward to continuing their strong performances into the playoffs.

“I’m excited for playoffs,” Adam Rosenblatt said. “Our team has a lot of energy and a lot of chemistry together, and we’re going to bond together some more and do well in the playoffs.”

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