Special education teacher helps students achieve their goals

Jamie Martinez, Staff Writer

Andrew Kelly

What are your main responsibilities?

My main job is to make sure that the students I’m working with are making progress towards the goals in their IEPs. My 38 students have 100 different standard level, honors level and AP level teachers that I’m interfacing with, communicating with and working with to try to be as successful as possible. 

Describe a typical day at work.

I have four classes a day, five days a week, where I’m working with about eight students at a time. It’s what makes my job interesting; everyone I work with has different needs and different goals that they’re working towards improving. I may have three students in one block that have an essay due for a class so we would be working hard through that process. I might have two other students that have a math test tomorrow and we would be doing review work for that, oftentimes reteaching and reviewing concepts. It’s a really busy and challenging environment but it’s never dull. Anything can come up any day.

What are your hopes for the rest of the year?

I think my hopes for the rest of this school year align with my hopes each school year. [I hope] that the 38 students that I support grow in the areas they have struggles in and that I can help them grow as students and as people. I have close to 20 seniors and I’m going to make sure those kids have the skills they need to go on and be successful at college or vocational training or whatever the next step may be.