Women’s marches in Boston and Washington, D.C. provide outlet for anger and pride

The Boston Women’s March for America spanned nearly the entire day of Jan. 21 and multiple city blocks, with the Boston Common in the center. The center stage on the Common featured speeches from government officials and concerts from local musicians. Crowds packed into the park carrying a plethora of homemade signs addressing the new administration’s discrimination against women, the LBGTQ community, people of color, immigrants and more. The march itself began at the Boston Common, went around the Public Garden and looped down Commonwealth Avenue.

The Women’s March on Washington had, by some estimates, over a million people in attendance. The event was scheduled to include a rally beginning at 10 a.m. and a march beginning at 1 p.m. Given the enormous and unexpected number of marchers, the planned route eventually grew to encompass all of the National Mall, as people collectively walked to The Ellipse in front of the White House. Marchers broke out in chants and ground swells of emotion caused people to cheer. Marchers sang periodically as people of all ages, races and genders walked down Independence and Constitution Ave. Some marchers held signs provided by national associations and interest groups, while others brought their own from home. People made impassioned pleas for justice, democracy and respect.