GSA holds vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance

On Thurs. Nov. 30, the GSA installed a large art piece in the atrium and held a vigil there during X-block in memory of people in the trans community who were victims of homophobic violence.

Junior Isidora Savic reads a list of names of those memorialized. “It was nine pages of straight-up names. There’s been a wave of anti-transgender violence in the past year, especially with the election,” Savic said. EMMA KAHN/SAGAMORE STAFF
The room listens as teacher Kate Leslie and juniors Isidora Savic and Rebecca Perez lead the vigil. EMMA KAHN/SAGAMORE STAFF
Students observe the art installation created by the GSA in the atrium. The large piece memorialized trans folk who had lost their lives due to homophobic violence. EMMA KAHN/SAGAMORE STAFF
Details from the installation include candles and gender symbols, painted by students. EMMA KAHN/SAGAMORE STAFF
A pink, blue and white flag symbolizes trans pride. Similar flags with other empowering messages were hung in hallways throughout the school. EMMA KAHN/SAGAMORE STAFF